クリスはロバートとのツーショットをツイッターに投稿。 映画『アベンジャーズ/エンドゲーム』に登場したセリフ「3000回愛している(I Love You 3000)」を使って誕生日を祝った。
『アベンジャーズ』シリーズでハルク役を演じたマーク・ラファロは、「バーチャルハグを君の誕生日におくるよ!」というコメントとともに ロバートを背中から熱くハグする写真をインスタグラムに投稿。

Mark Ruffalo on Instagram: "Sending you all the virtual hugs for your birthday, @RobertDowneyJr ❤️ I love you to life, 3000. It’s an honor knowing such a generous and complex man."
1M likes, 7,873 comments - markruffalo on April 4, 2020: "Sending you all the virtual hugs for your birthday, @RobertDow...

Gwyneth Paltrow on Instagram: "Before we put this April 4th to bed, I must wish my dear, dear @robertdowneyjr a happy birthday. Here he is, making a toast at our wedding, during which his humor elicited my usual look of pure joy/shock whenever he is near. He is my brother, friend and supporter. A mega genius, and the weirdest comedy writer of all time. I know all of our @marvel family join me in wishing him a very happy day. Do you love Robert? Let him hear you if you do. We💝youRDJ"
847K likes, 9,309 comments - gwynethpaltrow on April 4, 2020: "Before we put this April 4th to bed, I must wish my dear,...