ジョン・ボン・ジョヴィ、ホールジー、チャーリー・プースなども参加!新型コロナ救済慈善チャリティ番組「JERSEY 4 JERSEY」が、明日4/22放映

新型コロナ救済慈善チャリティ番組「JERSEY 4 JERSEY」 NEWS
新型コロナ救済慈善チャリティ番組「JERSEY 4 JERSEY」

話題を呼んだレディー・ガガがキューレーションしたイベント『One World: Together at Home』に続き、ブルース・スプリングスティーンジョン・ボン・ジョヴィ等が、地元ニュージャージーの 新型コロナウイルスの影響を受ける人々、医療、経済を援助するための“New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund”を支援するため、4月22日に行われる慈善チャリティー番組『JERSEY 4 JERSEY Benefit Show』に出演する。

現地時間4月22日(水)19:00(日本時間4月23日午前8:00)からAppleTV、Apple Music、 SiriusXM「E Street Radio」、 ABC、NJのTV,ラジオ局などで放送される(Apple Music、AppleTVは全世界に配信)。

『JERSEY 4 JERSEY Benefit Show』にはこのほか、トニー・ベネット、ホールジー、チャーリー・プース、SZA、ダニー・デヴィート、ウーピー・ゴールドバーグ、チェルシー・ハンドラー、クリス・ロック、ジョン・スチュワート、チェルシー・ハンドラーらが自宅から出演。番組や詳細についてはこちら。https://njprf.org/


8.7 万次播放 · 764 个心情 | NJPRF Launch! | The onset of the coronavirus pandemic has dramatically upended our lives in ways that were unimaginable just weeks ago. The New Jersey Pandemic Relief... | By New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund | Hi, everybody. This is Tammy Murphy. New Jersey is banding together to help one another. Phil and I have asked some of our neighbors to join us in sharing this announcement. These are uncertain times. What is for certain is the pain, the fear, and the real needs of many of our neighbors, our friends, and certainly all of those who are on the front lines of this pandemic. I hope everyone is staying safe, staying inside, washing your hands a lot, self-distance it's very similar to how my life normally is actually. I'm a New Jersey guy. I was born in Asbury, you know, and I stay home and I listen to music. I listen to some Bruce. We are practicing social distancing. We are staying at home. I watch some TV. I got a lot of things. There's so many people on television like there's Danny, there's Jack, there's Joe Piscopo, there's Joe Peshy. You can listen to Bon Jovi. We're staying at home but what more can we do? We know that there's so whose lives have been upended and who are already or soon will be looking for help. So we're asking our Garden State, New Jersey, to bond together. To form the New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund. Now this fund will direct dollars to those causes and organizations on the ground providing essential services that are needed not only for now but also for the weeks and months ahead. We need to pull together and start the healing at home. Importantly, 1 00 percent of every dollar you donate will go directly to those organizations that are helping our most vulnerable. Could be you or me, could be us. So we gotta do it together. Now is the time to bond together. The New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund community is growing. Band together with us. We're going to come out of this stronger. End up having a slice on the boardwalk. Cracks up real fast. So please, help the New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund.
The onset of the coronavirus pandemic has dramatically upended our lives in ways that were unimaginable just weeks ago. ...

