コール・スプラウスがインスタグラムを再開! 休んでいた理由も明かす

コール・スプラウス NEWS









Thinking back on Tulum. Know I’ve been off of social media for a while. Decided to take a much needed mental health break. I’ve never been the most active user of social media, but even the minor amount I had been engaging during quarantine had become a bit too taxing. Work is slowly beginning to pick back up within a new normal. And as someone who has only ever really known work their entire life, I found that I’m best on a schedule. Knowing when to step away like I did in college, and when to re-engage is a fundamental skill for any young performer. Take your breaks. Mental and physical health always come first. In time we’ll all be able to see more clearly what this pandemic actually is- a massive global trauma. The effects of which have, in no small way, been encouraged tremendously by the failings of the US. We’re in the midst of a huge election, and I encourage everyone here in the United States to deeply consider our “modern” medical health care system. I’ll be more active soon my sweet little babies~

Cole Sprouse(@colesprouse)がシェアした投稿 –

