
『ブラックパンサー』チャドウィック・ボーズマン FILMS/TV SERIES



Marvel Studios on Instagram: "Our hearts are broken and our thoughts are with Chadwick Boseman’s family. Your legacy will live on forever. Rest In Peace."
6M likes, 62K comments - marvelstudios on August 28, 2020: "Our hearts are broken and our thoughts are with Chadwick Bos...



Robert Downey Jr. on Instagram: "Mr. Boseman leveled the playing field while fighting for his life... That’s heroism... I’ll remember the good times, the laughter, and the way he changed the game... #chadwickforever"
9M likes, 62K comments - robertdowneyjr on August 29, 2020: "Mr. Boseman leveled the playing field while fighting for hi...






Brie Larson on Instagram: "Chadwick was someone who radiated power and peace. Who stood for so much more than himself. Who took the time to really see how you were doing and gave words of encouragement when you felt unsure. I’m honored to have the memories I have. The conversations, the laughter. My heart is with you and your family. You will be missed and never forgotten. Rest in power and peace my friend."
3M likes, 10K comments - brielarson on August 28, 2020: "Chadwick was someone who radiated power and peace. Who stood fo...



Tom Holland on Instagram: "Chadwick, you were even more of a hero off screen than on. A role model not only to me on set, but to millions of others around the world. You brought joy and happiness to so many and I’m proud to have been able to call you a friend. RIP Chadwick"
10M likes, 44K comments - tomholland2013 on August 28, 2020: "Chadwick, you were even more of a hero off screen than on....

「チャドウィック。あなたは映画の中よりも映画の外での方が、ヒーローだった。撮影現場の僕だけでなく、世界中の何百万人もの人々の模範となってくれました。多くの人に喜びと幸せをもたらしてくれた。あなたを友人と呼べたことを、誇りに思います。RIP チャドウィック」


Mark Ruffalo on Instagram: "All I have to say is the tragedies amassing this year have only been made more profound by the loss of @chadwickboseman. What a man, and what an immense talent. Brother, you were one of the all time greats and your greatness was only beginning. Lord, love ya. Rest in power, King."
3M likes, 16K comments - markruffalo on August 28, 2020: "All I have to say is the tragedies amassing this year have onl...



Chris Hemsworth on Instagram: "Gonna miss you mate. Absolutely heartbreaking. One of the kindest most genuine people I’ve met. Sending love and support to all the family xo RIP @chadwickboseman"
8M likes, 42K comments - chrishemsworth on August 28, 2020: "Gonna miss you mate. Absolutely heartbreaking. One of the k...



Chris Pratt on Instagram: "My prayers go out to Chadwick’s family and loved ones. The world will miss his tremendous talent. God rest his soul. #wakandaforever"
3M likes, 14K comments - prattprattpratt on August 28, 2020: "My prayers go out to Chadwick’s family and loved ones. The...

「僕の祈りは チャドウィックの家族と 愛する人たちに捧げます。世界は彼の素晴らしい才能を失うでしょう。彼の魂に神のご冥福を」


Angela Bassett on Instagram: "“It was meant to be for Chadwick and me to be connected, for us to be family. But what many don’t know is our story began long before his historic turn as Black Panther. During the premiere party for Black Panther, Chadwick reminded me of something. He whispered that when I received my honorary degree from Howard University, his alma mater, he was the student assigned to escort me that day. And here we were, years later as friends and colleagues, enjoying the most glorious night ever! We’d spent weeks prepping, working, sitting next to each other every morning in makeup chairs, preparing for the day together as mother and son. I am honored that we enjoyed that full circle experience. This young man’s dedication was awe-inspiring, his smile contagious, his talent unreal. So I pay tribute to a beautiful spirit, a consummate artist, a soulful brother...”thou aren’t not dead but flown afar...”. All you possessed, Chadwick, you freely gave. Rest now, sweet prince.” #WakandaForever"
832K likes, 11K comments - im.angelabassett on August 28, 2020: "“It was meant to be for Chadwick and me to be connected...
Angela Bassett on Instagram: "💔"
758K likes, 9,570 comments - im.angelabassett on August 28, 2020: "💔".