
「ハリポタ」エマ・ワトソンのそっくりさんが話題に! 予想外の反響に本人もビックリ[写真あり]

@EmWatson / Twitter @meganflockhart / Instagram
I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone for being so amazingly positive and lovely to me, it really means so much! You guys don't have to be so sweet but you are, and it's truly made me so happy I also want to clear up some things as I've seen just a few things written than isn't exactly true: I don't claim to be Emma Watsons doppelgänger, as much as I would LOVE to be, as she's absolutely stunning and has been my idol since the age of 10, I am myself also, and I have features that are completely different to Emma's, I'm totally 110% aware of this hahah also, I was first noticed through the lovely @heidimaetrix for my Hermione Cosplay and was noticed by even more people through her shout out. I in NO way submitted myself to be Emma Watsons "twin"I just don't want anyone getting the wrong impression! @emmawatson is a truly remarkable woman who's empowering and inspiring through her humanitarian efforts to her overall values and talent & yes I definitely aspire to be as empowering as her one day, but I don't actually think I am her...this is an extremely bizarre thing to be writing about and I realise no matter what I say people will always get the wrong impression, I'd just rather back myself up on my own social platforms! Lastly, I do relate tremendously to the character of Hermione Jean Granger but I'm under no pretence that I am that character (although, how amazing would that be? The most bad ass, intelligent, strong and loving character I've ever came across) I don't walk about in costume, it's for #cosplay and it's a hobby I very much enjoy while I'm young!
Beauty look for my #hermionegranger cosplay! Thought I should do a #harrypotter character (my favourite Harry Potter character) in honour of #cursedchild and #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem this will be my second cosplay after "Festival Tinkerbell" for my blog [ link in bio ] I'm also planning to cosplay Disney Tinkerbell and Bell if you have any more suggestions of who I should cosplay don't be afraid to say [ #harrypottercosplay #cosplay #hp #hermione #hermionejeangranger #gryffindor #hogwarts #hermionecosplay #hermionegrangercosplay ] p.s....my time turner broke....and sorry I look so gloom I was going for a serious look but...I mean...it didn't work out
SO I wasn't going to buy #cursedchild until after I had seen it in March because I wanted it to be a complete surprise, but today I woke up seeing everyone else get their books and desperately felt left out. I've been a fan since the age of 10, and I remember getting all my HP books as a child and missed that feeling of excitement. To my surprise my amazing boyfriend @capaldif had pre ordered it for me got it through the mail and fan girled so much I cried THANK YOU FRANKIE!!!!! He knows me so well #harrypotter #harrypotterandthecursedchild #gryffindor #hogwarts

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