
Exclusive Interview with Yoji “Pop” Asano, contestant on Season 10 of American Idol(5)
No chance of a repeat performance of “Party in the USA?”
Q. Going back to American Idol. Being a very influential program watched by millions of people, I think a lot of people have your performance of “Party in the USA” burned into their minds. If you were asked to perform the song again, what would your response be?
A. I would 100% refuse, unless they offered me $5,000,000. Then I’d do it! (lol) Watching my own audition now, I find it so pathetic. I think I will do less of those kinds of performances from now on. My performance of “Party in the USA” was like a commercial, a way for me to get my face out there and recognized. In the future I want to focus on perfecting my singing and instrumental skills.
I’ve realized lately that when I play instruments, I have no problems keeping my cool. But I’m from Osaka, a city whose people are known for their outrageous, slap-stick sense of humor, so whenever I sing or dance that part of me just comes out. I can’t hold it back!
Q. In the final episode of American Idol when the winner is decided, contestants from the earlier stages who gave memorable performances are often asked to make appearances. If asked, would you appear?
A. That’s the only thing I can hope for now! It’s all up to fate. By appearing on American Idol, there’s a risk of looking like an idiot and being ridiculed, but there’s also a small, maybe 5% chance that I will be called back to appear on stage for the final in Los Angeles. But if I am asked to appear, I want to show that I am a dedicated and determined entertainer, not someone to be made a laughingstock out of. I would sing my own original song, not “Party in the USA.”
Q. Are you planning on returning to Japan at all?
A. I want to succeed in America first, before I go back to Japan. I think that’s best. It’s not that I don’t like Japan; I love Japan.
Q. Do you have any favorite American Idol contestants?
A. Adam Lambert. He is an amazing singer with a great voice. In my opinion he is the best male vocalist around.
Advice to Idol Hopefuls: Keep your fighting spirit!
Q. In what ways are you glad you auditioned for American Idol? Do you have any regrets?
A. I’m glad I auditioned because it was really fun, and I got the chance to create my own atmosphere on TV. From the first day of registration it was always like that. Americans know how to enjoy themselves and have a great time. Everyone around me was so lively, the whole time I felt like I was at a music festival, though I was quiet like a typical Japanese.
My biggest regret is that I lost confidence in myself, in my voice. In the first audition I was sure I could succeed with my voice alone, but after the producers focused on my dancing rather than my singing, I started to doubt myself. In that sense, I don’t think I was strong enough.
Q. Do you have any advice for people who want to try out for American Idol?
A. You need a fighting spirit. That’s the most important thing, no matter what you do. Before thinking about whether you’re good or bad at singing or if you look good, you have to know how hard and how far you’re willing to go. There are lots of people who want to become “a star,” but the ones who really want it tend to be too afraid to try. The more you want something, the scarier it is. They’re scared that they’ll get booed off the stage at the Apollo, or fail the Idol auditions and be laughed at. Their fear of failing, of looking bad gets in the way.
In order to succeed, you have to be prepared to be laughed at, criticized, and discriminated against. Someone once said that in order to succeed in America, you need to become like ash. I think that’s really accurate. If you have a fighting spirit, you can float up from the bottom of the ashes, and rise beyond the mountains. As they say in America, believe in yourself and succeed with your individuality. You can only go so far on talent alone; at some point you will reach an obstacle that you cannot overcome without having confidence in yourself. Believe in your strengths, and be positive. If you do that, you will be accepted, especially in America. In that respect, it doesn’t matter what race you are. America is, after all, a country with many different cultures.
NEXT:(6)Special Video Message from Yoji Pop >>
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Q. Going back to American Idol. Being a very influential program watched by millions of people, I think a lot of people have your performance of “Party in the USA” burned into their minds. If you were asked to perform the song again, what would your response be?
A. I would 100% refuse, unless they offered me $5,000,000. Then I’d do it! (lol) Watching my own audition now, I find it so pathetic. I think I will do less of those kinds of performances from now on. My performance of “Party in the USA” was like a commercial, a way for me to get my face out there and recognized. In the future I want to focus on perfecting my singing and instrumental skills.
I’ve realized lately that when I play instruments, I have no problems keeping my cool. But I’m from Osaka, a city whose people are known for their outrageous, slap-stick sense of humor, so whenever I sing or dance that part of me just comes out. I can’t hold it back!
Q. In the final episode of American Idol when the winner is decided, contestants from the earlier stages who gave memorable performances are often asked to make appearances. If asked, would you appear?
A. That’s the only thing I can hope for now! It’s all up to fate. By appearing on American Idol, there’s a risk of looking like an idiot and being ridiculed, but there’s also a small, maybe 5% chance that I will be called back to appear on stage for the final in Los Angeles. But if I am asked to appear, I want to show that I am a dedicated and determined entertainer, not someone to be made a laughingstock out of. I would sing my own original song, not “Party in the USA.”
Q. Are you planning on returning to Japan at all?
A. I want to succeed in America first, before I go back to Japan. I think that’s best. It’s not that I don’t like Japan; I love Japan.
Q. Do you have any favorite American Idol contestants?
A. Adam Lambert. He is an amazing singer with a great voice. In my opinion he is the best male vocalist around.
Advice to Idol Hopefuls: Keep your fighting spirit!
Q. In what ways are you glad you auditioned for American Idol? Do you have any regrets?
A. I’m glad I auditioned because it was really fun, and I got the chance to create my own atmosphere on TV. From the first day of registration it was always like that. Americans know how to enjoy themselves and have a great time. Everyone around me was so lively, the whole time I felt like I was at a music festival, though I was quiet like a typical Japanese.
My biggest regret is that I lost confidence in myself, in my voice. In the first audition I was sure I could succeed with my voice alone, but after the producers focused on my dancing rather than my singing, I started to doubt myself. In that sense, I don’t think I was strong enough.
Q. Do you have any advice for people who want to try out for American Idol?
A. You need a fighting spirit. That’s the most important thing, no matter what you do. Before thinking about whether you’re good or bad at singing or if you look good, you have to know how hard and how far you’re willing to go. There are lots of people who want to become “a star,” but the ones who really want it tend to be too afraid to try. The more you want something, the scarier it is. They’re scared that they’ll get booed off the stage at the Apollo, or fail the Idol auditions and be laughed at. Their fear of failing, of looking bad gets in the way.
In order to succeed, you have to be prepared to be laughed at, criticized, and discriminated against. Someone once said that in order to succeed in America, you need to become like ash. I think that’s really accurate. If you have a fighting spirit, you can float up from the bottom of the ashes, and rise beyond the mountains. As they say in America, believe in yourself and succeed with your individuality. You can only go so far on talent alone; at some point you will reach an obstacle that you cannot overcome without having confidence in yourself. Believe in your strengths, and be positive. If you do that, you will be accepted, especially in America. In that respect, it doesn’t matter what race you are. America is, after all, a country with many different cultures.
NEXT:(6)Special Video Message from Yoji Pop >>
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Exclusive Interview with Yoji “Pop” Asano, contestant on Season 10 of American Idol(5)(2011年3月14日)
No chance of a repeat performance of “Party in the USA?”
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