
Special Video Message from Yoji
[VIDEO]Special Message from Yoji "Pop" Asano
・iTunes The Power-earth Mix- by Yoji Pop
・YouTube Yoji Pop Channel
・MySpace Yoji Asano(YJA PRODUCTIONS)
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Interviewer: Yuichi Shimizu
Translation and video editing: Meghan Doyle
Web design: Mariko Naito, Mai Valdenaire
Born on June 1st, 1985 |
Start impersonating Michael Jackson at age two. |
1995 | |
Became infatuated with The Beatles; began learning guitar. | |
1996 | |
Began learning the drums. After playing for ten years, made it his goal to be a drummer in a rock band. | |
1998 | |
Was inspired and influenced by Malice Mizer, an alternative Japanese rock band. | |
1999 | |
Was influenced by Santana. | |
2006 | |
Began taking advanced dance lessons. | |
2007 | |
Graduated from Osaka College of Music (Junior College Music department, Percussion) | |
2008 | |
Moved to America. Performed as a dancer in "Body and Soul," an event at Webster Hall Night Club in New York. | |
2009 | |
![]() Performed twice at Webster Hall’s club event, "TRASH!" where he appeared in a solo performance under the name "Yoji Sakamoto." | |
2010 | |
World-release of his first single "The Power" on iTunes, under the name Yoji Pop. | |
Joined a choir and performed at Hammerstein Ballroom. | |
2011 | |
First T.V. appearance on American Idol Season 10 auditions, resulting in his first big break. Over 30 videos of his audition have been uploaded to YouTube, with one of those videos getting over 200,000 hits in two weeks. | |
To be continued... |
・iTunes The Power-earth Mix- by Yoji Pop
・YouTube Yoji Pop Channel
・MySpace Yoji Asano(YJA PRODUCTIONS)
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Interviewer: Yuichi Shimizu
Translation and video editing: Meghan Doyle
Web design: Mariko Naito, Mai Valdenaire

Exclusive Interview with Yoji “Pop” Asano, contestant on Season 10 of American Idol(1)(2011年3月14日)
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Exclusive Interview with Yoji “Pop” Asano, contestant on Season 10 of American Idol(2)(2011年3月14日)
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Exclusive Interview with Yoji “Pop” Asano, contestant on Season 10 of American Idol(3)(2011年3月14日)
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Exclusive Interview with Yoji “Pop” Asano, contestant on Season 10 of American Idol(4)(2011年3月14日)
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Exclusive Interview with Yoji “Pop” Asano, contestant on Season 10 of American Idol(5)(2011年3月14日)
No chance of a repeat performance of “Party in the USA?”
Q. Going back to American Idol. Being a v...
Special Video Message from Yoji(2011年3月14日)
[VIDEO]Special Message from Yoji "Pop" Asano
Born on June 1st, ...
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